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Banjo-guy retur

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:54 am
by Banjo-guy
Hi all. I've been away and have sold off a lot of my brewing gear. It's amazing how much stuff I've acquired over the years! I was diagnosed with gout last year. One of the first items to eliminate from your diet is beer when you have gout.

At first I was really diligent with my diet, I stopped consuming all alcohol and tried to severely cut back in red meat consumption. I've gradually loosened up and basically drink an occasional beer. We never ate too much red meat so that dietary restriction was pretty easy to maintain.

One of the first signs of gout in many people is a red, swollen and sometimes very painful big toe joint. It can making walking really hard, I thought I had fractured something in my foot. The doctor took one look at my red toe and said " You have gout" The symptoms seem fairly easy to control with diet by increasing my water consumption ( in my case the symptoms have been reduced with dietary restrictions )

I'm getting the brewing bug again and will make a 5 gallon batch of oatmeal stout in the Mash and Boil. I need to remember how to brew. It's a little surprising how much I've forgotten in the last year. I figure a stout will keep for a longer time than an IPA. I could drink it gradually and give a lot away.

That's my story.

PS. For those interested. I've taken up a new hobby of building all tube, point to point guitar amplifiers. I've made a Dumble, Marshall and Fender amp. They all sound great and I haven't electrocuted myself yet!

Re: Banjo-guy retur

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 7:41 am
by Beer-lord
Glad to hear from you again. And, glad you are controlling your gout. I wish you better health going forward.

Interesting hobby. I am fine with amps. 1 transistor (Fender) and 1 tube (Egnator). I'd love to see pictures of your finished products if you care to share. Message me if you want and I'll send you my email address.

Re: Banjo-guy retur

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:17 pm
by berryman
Good to hear from ya Banjo, sorry to hear about the gout. I know how painful that is because I have had it a few times, but not lately. I still drink a lot of beer and eat red meat. When you get it, it makes you want to chop your big toe off, that painful. Glad you still going to brew a little.

Re: Banjo-guy retur

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 7:34 pm
by BlackDuck
Nice to see you again. Hopefully you’ll be able to control the gout.

Take care of yourself, and stick around, even if you don’t brew much.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Banjo-guy retur

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 3:32 pm
by Kealia
Welcome back, and congrats getting the gout under control.

Re: Banjo-guy retur

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 9:20 pm
by John Sand
Welcome back!
I don't have gout, but plenty of other dietary issues, some of which cause joint pain. Caution and moderation work for me.

Re: Banjo-guy retur

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 3:40 am
by mashani
Sorry about the gout, but I love old school tube amps and in the past built some of them and other tubey things.

Re: Banjo-guy retur

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 2:20 pm
by Banjo-guy
Thanks for the welcome back messages!
I brewed an oatmeal stout a couple of days ago using the Mash and Boil. My mash temps and water volumes were really off.
I ended up with a 1.066 beer and the sample tasted great. I split the 5 gallon batch in 1/2 using 2.5 gallons with Safale 04 and the other half with Wyeast 1968. I'm fermenting at 65F. I'm curious to see how the two beers differ.
I'm really rusty but it was great to brew again.

Re: Banjo-guy retur

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 10:55 am
by FedoraDave
Welcome back, Banjo.

My brother had gout a while back, but he's got it under control, and he enjoys a beer now and again. I think it helps to stay active, which he does. In any case, do what your doctor recommends; they're the experts.

Me, I have bad knees, but walking on the regular helps a lot.